In accordance with the Kingdom's Vision 2030, HRC aims to be a pioneer in providing a safe and reliable cyber environment that maintains electronic business and services provided by HRC, and keeps the confidentiality and integrity of information assets against internal and external threats. Accordingly, HRC’s Cybersecurity Department and General Department of Information Technology both endeavor to enhance and establish HRC’s cybersecurity potentials and capabilities by raising its level of readiness to implement cybersecurity to protect its information and technical assets and electronic data, and to apply the strictest security standards. Both departments are also keen to abide by the policies, frameworks, standards, controls and guidelines issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority in this respect. HRC’s website applies a high degree of security on all its equipment and servers, as it is equipped with the latest protection devices and anti-virus software, using secure communication, imposing high restrictions on passwords and activating the two-step verification feature to enhance access security and protect HRC’s information and data. HRC also regularly inspects and tests its website to protect its information and technical assets, and continuously monitors security event logs in order to proactively detect cyberattacks and effectively manage their risks, in an effort to enhance the security infrastructure.
Relevant legislation
Controls and guidance issued by the National Cybersecurity Authority Click here