نص تنظيم هيئة حقوق الإنسان على أهمية التعاون في مجال حقوق الإنسان مع الجمعيات والمنظمات والمؤسسات الوطنية والإقليمية والدولية العاملة في المجال بما يحقق أهداف الهيئة وتنمية علاقاتها. كما نص على إقامة علاقات التعاون مع الهيئات الدولية والمؤسسات الحكومية وغير الحكومية العاملة من أجل النهوض بحقوق الإنسان، وتنظيم دورات خاصة في المملكة للتوعية والتثقيف لمنسوبي الجهات المعنية بحقوق الإنسان وغيرهم من المهتمين بهذا المجال.
وقد مهد تنظيم الهيئة لها سبل التعاون على المستويين الوطني والدولي مع مختلف الجهات لنشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان وتنمية الوعي بها. وتعزيز الشراكة والتواصل مع الجهات ذات الصلة على النطاقين الإقليمي والدولي. إذ وقعت الهيئة في هذا الإطار عدداً من مذكرات التفاهم والتعاون في مختلف مجالات حقوق الإنسان. كما تشهد الهيئة عدداً من اللقاءات والزيارات المتبادلة، والمشاركات الإقليمية والدولية والتعاون مع المنظمات الإقليمية والدولية.
Abdullatifjameel community services programs
Alnahdah association
Aoun Association for the Care of Crime Victims
Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities
Charitable Society for Saudi Families Abroad
General Authority for statistics
Based on the principle of joint cooperation, this Memorandum aims to coordinate between HRC and the General Authority for Statistics to carry out the roles entrusted to each party with regard to supporting the collection, analysis, and dissemination of human rights data and facilitating access to such data through surveys and administrative records in a systematic scientific manner to be carried out by the General Authority for Statistics and HRC on a regular basis, and through cooperation and integration between the two parties to serve public interest within the respective competence of each party.
General presidency of the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vices
King Salman canter for Disabillity Research
mawaddah association
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Higher Education
Starting from the principle of joint cooperation between HRC and the Ministry of Education, and intending to achieve more cooperation, coordination and integration between the two parties in all areas that serve human rights, this Memorandum aims to coordinate between the two parties to enhance their performance of the roles assigned to each. It also emphasizes their belief in the importance of partnership and direct follow-up to carry out the tasks and competences of each party in accordance with the provisions of laws and Royal Orders.
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development
National Center for mental health promotion
oversight and anti-corruption authority
Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University
https://www.pnu.edu.sa/ar/Deanship/Research /ResearchCenter/Announcements/Pages/Announcement37.aspx
Saudi Alzheimer’s Disease association
Saudi BAR Association
Saudi National Committee of Workers Committees
International Organization for Migration
A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for technical cooperation was concluded between HRC and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This MoU provides for preparing, developing and implementing specialized training programs in the field of combating trafficking in persons crimes and identifying, protecting and assisting victims.
AttachmentsOffice of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Within the framework of enhancing cooperation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (represented by HRC) and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and intending to enhance activities, programs and training for national capacities in human rights fields, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for technical cooperation was signed between HRC and OHCHR on 27/6/2012. According to this MoU, OHCHR would implement training activities and programs aimed at promoting and disseminating a culture of human rights, through HRC and other relevant government agencies.